Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Who am I sir, a Utah man am I !!!!!

Yeah... after, let's count, I believe seven years. I have finally graduated. The best part is that my husband also did. Zac graduated with a degree in Exercise and Sports Science and is applying to physical therapy school this year. I graduated with a Social Science Composite degree and am going on to get my teaching license so I can someday teach history or geography. So in reality neither of us are done. But it still feels good to hit this milestone.


Bryndie said...

How fun "the two of you graduating together". Congratulations! I never knew you wanted to be a teacher, good for you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Go Utes!


Kerstin said...

i am so proud of you...hey at least i can say i was there in the beginning...well maybe not in class, but at the apartment ha ha. and then i got married...

congrats on this huge accomplishment, you are awesome.

Lisa Kearl said...

Way to go Jord! That's a huge achievement. I thinks that's so cool you're going to be a teacher. Hey let me know if you like "A Thousand Splendid Suns." I haven't read it yet but I'm reading "The Kite Runner" it's a little graphic, but I like it so far.

Lisa Kearl said...

Way to go Jord! That's a huge achievement. I thinks that's so cool you're going to be a teacher. Hey let me know if you like "A Thousand Splendid Suns." I haven't read it yet but I'm reading "The Kite Runner" it's a little graphic, but I like it so far.

Karissa said...

Congrats Jordy!! I can't believe you are going to be a'll be fabulous!

Cameron and Shannon said...

I bet that feels so great to have your bachelor's out of the way. I always felt like after that there was light at the end of the tunnel after Cameron finished his. By the way Cameron is in Physical Therapy school right now at the U. He just finished his first year. Is that where your husband is hoping to get in? That would be fun if it was.

Jamie Lynn said...

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I'm so proud of you for sticking with it. You are the best and I love you.

P.S. Send my parent's an announcement you nerd.

Annie said...

Congrats Congrats. That really really is a big accomplishment!! I am so proud of you both!!

Cameron's Corner said...

Thanks. That makes me feel soooo great. At the rate I'm going, I'll graduate when I'm 42... with my Associates.

Mechelle said...

Jord! I am jealous- I still am cureently pursuing a lifetime degree in school. Congrats!